Microsoft 2019 Professional Plus Installation Guide
Microsoft 2019 Professional Plus Installation Guide
Note: Only Runs on “Windows 10 and above” , older versions of windows are not supported.
Once you have Downloaded the file, Right click the and Choose Open with “Windows Explorer” (Normally you can just Double click it This will automatically open the setup file)
Step 2:
If you want to install 64bit version please go to the “office” folder and run the “Setup64” if you want the 32bit version run the ‘”Setup32” file.
Step 3:
And now wait until the installation is complete.
Step 4:
After Installation is completed Open any Office application, for example here we are opening Access. You can do the same.
Step 5:
After Opening the application, you will see an option like below click the option where it says “I don’t want to sign in or create an account.
Step 6:
And now Please make sure you are connected to the internet and enter the product key that you received from yourofficehub to your email and click Activate Office.